Tag Archives: baking

Browned Butter Banana Streusel Cake (Gluten-free!)

Banana cake was one of the very first things I ever attempted to bake. I still remember clearly the day. It was sometime in the mid-90s, when my hair was much longer and I still had delusions dreams of being some kind of Melissa Etheridge rock musician. I was at our neighbor’s condo, watching our friend make banana cake without a recipe, simply mixing ingredients together until the consistency looked right to him. I was so amazed you’d think I was watching someone split an atom. Continue reading Browned Butter Banana Streusel Cake (Gluten-free!)

Nutella Chip Cookies with Homemade Nutella Chips

Last week, I innocently tweeted:

Dear Nutella: I really think you should start selling Nutella baking chips. Seriously. They would rock.

I don’t know what made me say that. Maybe because these Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies have been on my mind, and when I went to my cupboard to check if I had chocolate chips, I saw two jars of Nutella sitting right in front of the peanut butter. Or maybe it was simply because I happened to overhear someone else publicly declare their deep and abiding love for that irresistible hazelnut chocolate spread. (That happens a lot.) Continue reading Nutella Chip Cookies with Homemade Nutella Chips

Mini Whole Wheat Pumpkin Muffins

Do you know what happens when you fail to keep up with your commitment to having a healthy breakfast every morning? Not only does your metabolism start slowing down again, but you end up letting too much time pass in between posts.

I have clinical studies to back that up. (Okay. Study. Clinical study.)

But I refuse to take full responsibility for it. After all, I had every intention of sticking to it. I scheduled a few hours every weekend when I would make myself a batch each of my new favorite granola, biscotti, and these mini whole wheat pumpkin muffins. All of them are from Pam Anderson’s book The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great, and I’m mildly obsessed with them. And okay, I threw the “mildly” in there just to make myself look good. Continue reading Mini Whole Wheat Pumpkin Muffins

Leftover Cookies

ivoryhut leftover cookies

Baking is a fairly new experience for me. I’ve always been intimidated by it. I’m more at ease with cooking, since being able to taste as I go means I can nudge and cajole and prod a dish towards the desired finished product. But baking? Even if the batter tastes good, there’s no guarantee that what comes out of the oven is what you envisioned as you carefully sifted and measured and creamed and folded. To be frank, the suspense and uncertainty scared me.
Continue reading Leftover Cookies